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Financial Statements
Condensed Consolidated Interim Statement of Financial Position
Condensed consolidated interim statement of comprehensive income/loss
Condensed consolidated interim cash flow statement
Condensed consolidated interim statement of changes in equity
Notes to Financial Statements
General Information
Basis of Preparation
New or Revised IFRS Standards and Interpretations
Critical accounting estimates and judgment
Contract liability
Issuances of equity securities
Share-based compensation
Financial income and expense
Income taxes
Earnings per share
Other comprehensive result
Related parties
Putative Class Action
Events after the balance sheet date
Accounting Policies
Basis of Preparation (Policies)
Notes Tables
Revenue (Tables)
Contract liability (Tables)
Share-based compensation (Tables)
Financial income and expense (Tables)
Earnings per share (Tables)
Notes Details
Revenue - Narrative (Details)
Revenue - Revenue by Country (Details)
Revenue -Analysis of Revenue by Major Collaboration Partner (Details)
Contract liability - Explanation of Changes in Contract Liabilities (Details)
Contract liability - Disclosure of Current and Non-Current Contract Liabilities (Details)
Issuances of equity securities (Details)
Dividends (Details)
Share-based compensation - Narrative (Details)
Share-based compensation - Disclosure of Movements in the Number of Share Options (Details)
Financial income and expense - Disclosure of Detailed Information about Financial Income (Details)
Financial income and expense - Disclosure of Detailed Information about Financial Expense (Details)
Income taxes (Details)
Earnings per share (Details)
Earnings per share - Narrative (Details)
Other comprehensive result (Details)
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