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Audit Information
Financial Statements
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
Notes to Financial Statements
General information
Summary of material accounting policies
Financial risk management
Accounting estimates and judgments
Revenues, other income and and entity-wide disclosures
Property, plant and equipment
Intangible assets
Financial instruments
Other current assets
Trade and other receivables
Cash and cash equivalents and short-term time deposits
Shareholders’ equity
Trade and other payables
Accrued expenses
Contract liability
Additional information on the nature of expenses
Royalties and license fees
Personnel expenses
Financial income and financial expense
Income Taxes
Earnings per share
Related party disclosures
Capital commitments
Financial risk management
Putative Class Action
Events after the balance sheet date
Accounting Policies
Summary of material accounting policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Summary of material accounting policies (Tables)
Revenues, other income and and entity-wide disclosures (Tables)
Property, plant and equipment (Tables)
Intangible assets (Tables)
Financial instruments (Tables)
Other current assets (Tables)
Trade and other receivables (Tables)
Cash and cash equivalents and short-term time deposits (Tables)
Shareholders' equity (Tables)
Trade and other payables (Tables)
Accrued expenses (Tables)
Contract liability (Tables)
Additional information on the nature of expenses (Tables)
Personnel expenses (Tables)
Financial income and financial expense (Tables)
Income Taxes (Tables)
Earnings per share (Tables)
Leases (Tables)
Related party disclosures (Tables)
Financial risk management (Tables)
Notes Details
Summary of material accounting policies - Segment Reporting (Details)
Summary of material accounting policies - Disclosure of Useful Lives of Property, Plant and Equipment (Details)
Summary of material accounting policies - Intangible Assets (Details)
Summary of material accounting policies - Employee Benefits (Details)
Revenues, other income and and entity-wide disclosures - Narrative (Details)
Revenues, other income and and entity-wide disclosures - Disclosure of Revenue by Country (Details)
Revenues, other income and and entity-wide disclosures - Disclosure of Revenue by Major Alliance Partner (Details)
Property, plant and equipment - Disclosure of Reconciliation of Changes in Property, Plant and Equipment (Details)
Intangible assets (Details)
Financial instruments - Disclosure of Financial Assets at Amortized Cost (Details)
Financial instruments - Disclosure of Financial Liabilities at Amortized Cost (Details)
Other current assets (Details)
Trade and other receivables - Disclosure of Detailed Information about Trade and Other Receivables (Details)
Trade and other receivables - Disclosure of Trade Receivables Denominated in Other Currency Explanatory (Details)
Cash and cash equivalents and short-term time deposits - Disclosure of Reconciliation of Cash, Cash Equivalents and Short-Term Time Deposits (Details)
Cash and cash equivalents and short-term time deposits - Narrative (Details)
Shareholders’ equity - Narrative (Details)
Shareholders’ equity - Classes of Share Capital (Details)
Shareholders' equity - Shares Issued (Details)
Trade and other payables - Disclosure of Detailed Information about Trade and Other Payables (Details)
Trade and other payables - Disclosure of Trade Payables Denominated in Other Currency Explanatory (Details)
Accrued expenses (Details)
Contract liability - Disclosure of Expected Revenue Recognition Analysis for Contract Liabilities (Details)
Contract liability - Explanation of Changes in Contract Liabilities (Details)
Contract liability - Disclosure of Current and Non-Current Contract Liabilities (Details)
Additional information on the nature of expenses (Details)
Royalties and license fees (Details)
Personnel expenses - Disclosure of Detailed Information about Employee Expenses (Details)
Personnel expenses - Disclosure of Detailed Information about Employee Head Count (Details)
Personnel expenses - Disclosure of Net Defined Benefit Liability (Asset) (Details)
Personnel expenses - Disclosure of Defined Benefit Plan, Expense Recognized in Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income (Details)
Personnel expenses - Additional Information (Details)
Personnel expenses - Disclosure of Conditions and Inputs Used in the Measurement of the Fair Values at Grant Dates (Details)
Personnel expenses - Disclosure of Movements in the Number of All Issues RSUs, PSUs and Share Options (Details)
Personnel expenses - Disclosure of Exercise Prices, Number and Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Life of Outstanding Instruments (Details)
Personnel expenses - Disclosure of Non-Cash Costs for Share-Based Payments by Functions (Details)
Financial income and financial expense - Disclosure of Detailed Information about Financial Income (Details)
Financial income and financial expense - Disclosure of Detailed Information about Financial Expense (Details)
Income Taxes - Income Taxes (Details)
Income Taxes - Deferred Taxes (Details)
Income Taxes - Disclosure of Expiry of Tax Loss Carryforwards (Details)
Earnings per share (Details)
Leases - Narrative (Details)
Leases - Disclosure of Movement of Lease Liabilities (Details)
Leases - Disclosure of Expenses Recognised in Profit or Loss (Details)
Leases - Disclosure of Contractual Maturities of Financial Liabilities (Details)
Related party disclosures - Disclosure of Compensation Costs of Key Management (Details)
Financial risk management - Sensitivity Analysis to Reasonable Possible Change in Exchange Rates (Details)
Financial risk management - Additional Information (Details)
Financial risk management - Sensitivity Analysis to Reasonable Possible Change in Interest Rates (Details)
Financial risk management - Disclosure of Maximum Credit Risk Exposure (Details)
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